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Respite Services 

Are you ready to take the first step with Respite?

Therapeutic Respite Care for Youth with Mental Health Challenges

Respite care is meant to help families and youth with their physical, emotional, social, and mental health needs by offering a pause from their regular routines. This care provides essential relief to both caregivers and enrolled young people. Certified peer supports and certified therapeutic recreational specialist, with the support of a mental health therapist, provide programming during respite services.

Respite care sessions allow youth to engage in activities that enhance coping skills, emotional regulation, and wellness-promoting leisure activities.


  • Youth between the ages of 8-17
  • Referred by a mental health therapist.
  • Experiencing symptoms of being severely emotionally disturbed (SED).

Your Team Members

Therapeutic Recreational Therapist

Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists (CTRS) are professionals skilled in recreational activities that improve five aspects of well-being: physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual functioning. Collaborating with the treatment team, they focus on enhancing these domains to foster recovery and contribute to overall well-being.

Peer Supports

Certified Peer supports play a hands-on role in guiding youth through daily activities and programming, offering real-time assistance, answering questions, and providing valuable feedback on challenges encountered. Drawing from their own lived experiences, they bring a unique perspective to help navigate your treatment journey. Beyond individual guidance, peer supports facilitate various groups, that help promote a healthy lifestyle. Their involvement ensures a supportive and empathetic environment, enriching your treatment experience with a diverse range of activities that contribute to overall well-being.

Mental Health Clinician

The mental health clinician will observe and collaborate with treatment team members to ensure that respite services are needed to enhance the journey to recovery and wellness. They provide comprehensive care and support, emphasizing the cultivation of skills for resilience. Beyond symptom management, the clinician aims to empower youth with effective tools for navigating challenges and fostering lasting mental well-being within our respite services.

Ready to Take the First Step?

Enroll in our respite services today with certified professionals.